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Bed Bug Facts

Here Are Just Few Reasons For The Current Bed Bug Epidemic:

  • Lack of public awareness and education about these hard to kill pests
  • Embarrassment, guilt and shame about reporting the problem
  • Failure to detect early signs of bed bug infestations
  • Growing bed bug resistance to MOST insecticides
  • Proper treatment is expensive. People try to cut corners and only make things worse
  • Increase in international travel
  • Some individuals don’t react to bed bug bites at all

No matter what the reasons are, the question YOU should be asking yourself is this: What should I do if a bed bug infestation occurs in my home, apartment or rental property?

FOR BEST RESULTS YOU MUST CALL A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL; Having the necessary training, experience, and equipment, we know how to safely eliminate bed bugs.

Bed bugs are nocturnal. This means they are active at night. That’s when they tend to emerge from their hiding places, to seek a human blood meal.

Bed bugs reproduce at an extremely high rate. Male bed bugs force themselves on the females during a process called traumatic insemination. Many males will attempt to mate with a female simultaneously which can be fatal for her. Once impregnated each female bed bug lays 5 eggs a day on average. That equals 150 EGGS EVERY 30 DAYS (5X30 = 150).

Because of the male bed bug aggressive mating habits, females tend to migrate away from any one location and lay eggs randomly in and on clothing, bedding, shoes, slippers, bed frames, inside mattresses, box springs, night stands, electronics, books, mail, paper, CD’s, DVD’s, items on the wall and electrical outlets. We recommend using garbage bags or totes to isolate these items during the treatment process. Clear bags and totes allow for easier identification of stored items.

The eggs hatch in 7-10 days. They are HUNGRY. The 1st stage instars (nymphs) and all subsequent instars must have a blood meal in order to develop to the next state. They are tiny and clear, but you can see them. They locate us by the carbon dioxide we exhale and the heat which radiates from our bodies.

  1. Heat (<113F) will kill all stages of bed bugs including eggs. Use your washer and dryer on the highest temperature setting. Dry cleaning is another option, but you must inform them about the bed bugs.
  2. 91% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol in a spray bottle will kill bed bugs (not eggs) on direct contact. Bed bugs come out to feed every few weeks, so retreatment is critical. Bed bugs can survive for up to 13 months without a blood meal.
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